Friday, December 2, 2016

Minutes. November 15, 2016

Minutes. November 15, 2016
Members present:
Aaron Davis
Victor Gascon
John Wetzel
Fred Druseikis
Dianne Britton
Marguerite Frongillo
Natalie Weston (via telephone)
Connie Robinette (via telephone)

The meeting began by approving the minutes of the previous meeting.
The Treasurer's report was tabled, since we did not have up to date financial information (Virginia was unable to attend).
No reimbursements were reported to be needed by anyone.
The reports from our last dance were discussed, with the primary theme being that the
problems we are having are common across the southeast as far as we can tell, and so are not likely to be the result of anything we are doing wrong. 
The mailing list was discussed.  Aaron has taken over the mailing list, and there was some discussion to clarify this issue.  Aaron is using mailchimp as the email list tool.  Content to be supplied by any of us who are up for supplying it.
Marguerite indicated there was no change on the status of bookings.
We discussed recruiting students and other community members as dancers and board members.   No new candidates have been identified.
The mission/vision statement issue was bought up, and it was made quite clear that this issue is settled, and that this is a matter of record in previous minutes.  Just some minor confusion about it having been voted on.
The selling of our old speakers came up briefly, JWetzel reported that this was just a matter
of getting the deal done (Jonathan is to purchase them).
Liability insurance  JWetzel reported that the Emerald Ballroom does have some liability coverage, which provides us with some protection.
The possibility of having a pot luck dinner was discussed.  We decided to try a "hybrid" pot luck in January, meaning that we would invest up to $100 of group money to provide part of the food.
Aaron reported briefly about the contra video he is working on for us.
We discussed leadership positions and possibilities.  Victor indicated he would be willing to
serve at least one more year as president.  John and Connie both indicated a willingness to serve in that role after that, should it transpire that no one else is interested in doing that.  Everyone serving at present seems to be willing to serve in their current office for at least one more year.
There was considerable discussion of the low attendance, with no new ideas as to how to
deal with this issue, other than to soldier on for now as best we can.
Summer dances for next year were discussed.  FOR THE MOMENT, and pending the results and attendance of future dances, we are going to hold off on:
A Techno in July AND
A Live dance in August.
We will need to check and see if we still need to pay for the hall on those months.
The official donation receipt form was unveiled, and the need for it discussed.
Jonathan' birthday party date has been shifted to January 27,which eliminates anyone having to choose between his party and our December dance.
The next meeting will be held on January 10, 2017.
The meeting was adjourned.

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