Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Minutes, Occtober 27, 2022

On October 27, 2022 a hastily planned "emergency" meeting was held at Marguerite's house. Since low attendance was expected, several people gave proxy voting powers to other board members who they expected to attend. Only Marguerite, Bob and John were actually able to attend.  Victor was planning to attend, but could not.  Virginia, Fred and Dianne gave proxy voting powers to John and Marguerite, to be used if appropriate.  Karl attended via a telephone set on speakerphone mode.   Since this meeting was not a regular meeting, and because there were very few people present, John W decided to limit the agenda to the "emergency" items.  The emergency consisted primarily of disorganized scrambling to figure out whether we could have dances AND should have dances in November (previously planned) and December (previously rejected) AND, if so, how to pull that off.  A secondary consideration was looking ahead to the first three months of 2023, and trying to do some longer range planning to cut down on the disorganized, very short fused zig zagging of our organization.

Karl reported that per a meeting with Joseph, the following dates were available:  Nov 5 and Dec 10.  Marguerite responded that Kenny was available on Nov 5 and that no one had responded regarding December.  The board had previously decided that December would have no dances, but Karl insisted this was a bad idea.  Because Karl was on the phone, the entire rest of the meeting was taken up by the participants arguing about whether to consider a December dance.  Because of the way phones work, this ended up with everyone present being very annoyed at our inability to converse in full duplex mode (meaning you and the other person can talk and hear each other at the same time).  It quickly became apparent that the conversation and the meeting were a waste of time, and so the meeting was halted with some basic planning instructions as the only take-away.  John asked Karl to approach Joseph (of CMFA) about the following dates in January, February and March of 2022:  The second Saturday of each of those months AND the Friday just before that (for canned dances) AND the fourth Saturday of each of those months (for Live band dances).  Karl was asked to explore ALL of those dates with Joseph, and to inform Marguerite immediatly of the subset of those days that were provisionally available.  John also asked Marguerite to investigate the availability of callers (and bands where applicable) as soon as Karl provided her with those provisionally available venue dates.

It is important to note that as of this meeting, the official board plan was still to have NO December dance.  This point was re-iterated to all board members after the meeting, via email.

Because of the emergency nature of the meeting, the lack of participants and the ongoing lack of agreement about how to proceed, no attempt was made to conduct ordinary business, such as treasurer's reports.  No formal board approved decisions were made at this meeting. 

As previously agreed, the next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 16, 2022, at Virginia's house.