MINUTES: The COTMD meeting for May 6, 2002
The following persons were present:
Dianne Britton
Connie Robinette
John Wetzel
Nancy Stone-Collum
Debbie Samples
Fred Druseikis
Glenn White
Karen Long
Deborah Hayes
* The meeting began with a review of the previous meeting.
* The minutes of the previous meeting were then approved by a vote.
* COTMD expenses were reviewed. The treasury has a total of $205.25 of available funds.
* A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded, and approved by vote. There was also a brief discussion concerning the "actual value" of the capital assets (some sound gear).
* The current status of the upcoming dance schedule was reviewed and discussed. As of this time, the venue through June is set (i.e. Arsenal Hill).
* Officer elections were then held. The entire slate of nominated persons was unopposed, so a motion was made to elect the entire slate with one vote. This motion was seconded and voted on affirmatively, after which the slate was duly elected.
The officers elected were as follows:
President: Dianne Britton
Vice President: Connie Robinette
Secretary: Deborah Hayes
Treasurer: Nancy Stone-Collum
Board members at large: Fred Druseikis, Debbie Samples, John Wetzel, Glenn White, Karen Long
* A previously publicized vote to correct a typographical error in the bylaws was held. The vote was in favor of making the suggested corrections.
* A discussion was held regarding the corporate book, and it was decided that this book should be compiled and given over to the keeping of the secretary.
* Connie initiated a discussion of past contributions-in-kind, and the necessity to identify these as a part of the grant seeking process. She also described some research she did on obtaining grants. She will organize the first meeting of the Grant Subcommittee, newly formed at this meeting and which consists of John, Debbie, Fred, Deborah, and Karen. The subcommittee was charged to, by the next meeting, a) produce a vision statement and b) initiate contact with three or four grant agencies/organizations or obtain something tangible from them.
* Debbie Samples, as membership chairperson, will work up some levels of membership categories, which she will communicate to us via email. The new levels will be advertised at the June dance. It is hoped that offering several membership levels will generate more revenue from membership purchases.
* A brief discussion was held as to the feasibility of having after-dance socializing at the hunter-gatherer. It was decided to do this for the next dance by making an announcement at the break and calling in food orders to the kitchen ahead of time, so as to avoid the problem of a closed kitchen.
* A brief discussion was held about the possibility of using our email list to generate help with our financial problems. Our dance group participants (at least those on the email list) will be informed that we are a tax-exempt organization, in the hopes that some donations might thus be received
* The possibility was raised of reinstating a practice from years past of selling food and drink at our dances.
* Dates for a summer/spring party were tossed around, with no conclusion being reached, except that it might be better not to schedule a party on a holiday weekend. A suggestion that we solicit donations at such a party met with approval.
The meeting was adjourned. The next scheduled meeting is July 1, 2002.