- Fred Druseikis
- Dianne Britton
- John Wetzel
- Connie Robinette
- Stephanie and Scott McCravy
- Marguerite Frongillo
- Kenny Greer (via phone)
Minutes of previous meeting reviewed and approved.
Treasurer's Report reviewed and explained. We have $1,339 in the checking account, $54 and some change in cash, and $165 is due for CDSS fees by the end of July. Treasurers report was approved.
Operations summary was presented, and it shows that we have had better attendence with the higher admission rate. However, we are highly dependent on out-of-town callers. The board agreed that there should be a formula for paying said callers for the distance they have to drive. After much discussion the tentative formula is $10 per 60 miles one way or $5 per 30 miles one way in addition to the regular fee for calling.
In-depth discussion then ensued about the Art Museum event. It was confirmed that Doug Singleton will be the caller with Whistlin' Rufus as the band. Connie had put in much time and effort negotiating this event with director(s) of the museum, and there were several issues that needed ironing out in regards to explaining to the directors and coordinators the logistics of the whole event. The museum said they only have room for 20 dancers, but they did not take into account the fact that at least 24 dancers would be required, as most people like to sit out for a dance or two. Ultimately the board agreed to divide up responsibilities concerning the exhibition dance so that Connie would have more time and energy to devote to the project. Marguerite agreed to head the effort to recruit dancers, with Dianne's help.
John had to take one of his amplifyers in to be checked out and repaired. A motion was made and approved to reimburse John for the repair, and Dianne wrote him a check for $30.
The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, August 26, 2008.
Fred, Dianne and Connie are going to work on redesigning the website.
Meeting adjourned 9:00pm.
/s/ Stephanie McCravy