COTMD Board Minutes July 12, 2023
The Board gathered at Virginia Winn's house at 7pm to enjoy some dessert and coffee.
John called the meeting to order at approximately 7:30pm.
Regular board members attending:
Gail, Maris, Marguerite, Virginia, Fred, Dianne, John, Karl (via Zoom)
Motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting (June 14) was made, seconded, and approved.
Treasurer's Report
Turnout numbers are lower than expected for no specific reasons. Hall credit is 20% of gate receipts, not $2 per dancer.
The spreadsheet was published on the Contracola board (private) blog.
A motion to accept the Treasurer's report was made, seconded, and approved.
Booker's Report:
Coverage at the dances will be tight as folks go out of town.
Marguerite will be out of town July 22 and Aug 12.
Karl may be out of town July 22.
Fred & Dianne will be out of town Aug 26.
Gail and Karl will coordinate key exchange for the dance on July 22.
The current schedule looks like this:
July 22 band: "Chris & Bobby" caller:Tom Machlin
Aug 12 band: "Blueridge Rounders" caller:Chris Hernandez
Aug 26 band: "Square Root" caller: TBD
Sept 9 band: "Tea & Whiskey" caller: Kenny Greer
Sept 23 band: "Sherlock's Meow" caller: TBD
The Booker wishes to note that hall dates for October and beyond have not been committed. This makes it very difficult to schedule bands and callers. We must implore Joseph to approve these dates ASAP.
David Knight and accompanist are asking $310.
The Booker's report was accepted.
Report for Recent Dances:
Two short breaks at approx 50 minutes after start are working OK.
Bands should be prepared to play three waltzes instead of normal two.
Callers are being helpful in implementing this.
Free Passes: Worth it?
Yes; not a lot of response but some.
Consensus: We should continue it.
Contracola Open Band (CCOB):
Rehearsals have started held. Turnout has been good. Interest is there. Some participants are interested in playing.
IRS Filing:
Dianne will do this. John will assist as necessary.
This is entirely gated by the end of the fiscal year, June 30.
There are two pieces: the CDSS report (detailed), and the Federal Form.
Current issue: records for capital expenditures from previous years are being hard to locate.
New Board Member: A motion to appoint Dianne Palmer-Quay to the board was made, seconded and approved. Dianne will add her to the board email lists, etc.
Mailing Lists: There are three: the master mailing list, the musicians list for the CCOB; and the "hold harmless" list created when we had people sign waivers. We are missing phone numbers for a good number of emails on the master list. These were not collected originally because we had no use for them. Now we have the capability to send text messages, so there is a need.
Dianne will be initiating a campaign to have people update their contact info.
Marguerite noted that there is some interest in the Scottish dance community to participate in contra dances.
Child Safety Policy:
We need to have some child safety policy writings. Other groups probably have material that we can adapt and use. Maris volunteered to look for some.
Next Meeting: August 9, 2023
Adjourned: 9:04pm /s/Fred Druseikis