Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How to Post Meeting Minutes

Go to http://www.contracola.org and click on the link for "COTMD Board".

  • If  "Sign In" appears in the upper right-hand corner, login by clicking on "Sign In".  Then click on the pencil icon for "COTMD Board". 
  • If, on the other hand, "Sign out" appears in the upper right-hand corner, you are already logged in.  In this case, click on "New Post", and wait a little until the wysiwyg ("what you see is what you get") editor appears.
Add a title like "Minutes month/day/year".  Add your text.  You may find it easiest to paste in unformatted text, and then format it using the wysiwyg editor.  Using the "Preview" link, preview your work, make whatever changes are necessary, and repeat as often as necessary until you are satisfied with how it looks.  Important: be careful not to include email addresses in the minutes, to avoid having them being picked up by web bots and used for spamming.

Then add a label to the post so the these minutes are categorized with the other minutes: click on the label icon in the list of icons on the right, and add the label "minutes", and add another label that includes the year, e.g., "minutes 2012".

Finally, click on "Publish Post" (or "Update") and click on "View Blog" to see the final result.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Minutes 3/27/12


John Wetzel
Connie Robinnette
Tim Piesch
Fred Druseikis
Dianne Britton
Lucy Gordon
Marguerite Frongillo
Virginia Winn (hostess)
Stephanie and Scott McCravy

Previous meeting's minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report: We have $1952.00 between the kitty and the bank account.

The dancer reminder email list is up to date.

Lucy suggested that we not switch the date of our dance to accomodate dance weekends, since a majority of our dancers don't go to those events, and it seems we don't have as high attendance when we change the dates.

Virginia volunteered to be the mailing address for all the CDSS correspondence.

Fred's spreadsheet of our finances was reviewed and discussed. Fred explained that the spreadsheet illustrates if our finances balance out or if we are way off in one area or another. Lucy suggested adding a row to the spreadsheet for revenue and maybe leaving out the "free coupon" dancer row.

The subject of an "extra" dance utilizing Susan Fort's Lake Murray Contra facility has been tabled for the time being and removed from the recurring items list for the agenda. We will continue to include Susan in our community via Facebook and Twitter.

Outreach Committee Report

Newsletter: We don't know how many people look at the newsletter that is sent out via email. Some suggested printing it out and distributing them at the dance at the beginning and end of the year to get people looking at them and interested, then later on add it to the blog site or some other online forum. The Outreach Committee will continue to address this issue and see how it plays out.

Fliers: Marguerite has put up fliers at her gym.

Lucy suggested passing out a letter and making an announcement at the break regarding our status as a nonprofit organization (that is entirely dependent on volunteers) in the hope of recruiting more board members and volunteers.

Slate for the Election:

President - John Wetzel
Vice President - Tim Piesch
Secretary - Connie Robinnette
Treasurer - Virginia Winn

Members At Large -
Dianne Britton
Fred Druseikis
Marguerite Frongillo
Lucy Gordon
Kenny Greer
Jacob LeGrone
Stephanie McCravy
Scott McCravy

*Marguerite volunteered to take over the hiring of bands and callers from Connie.

Next meeting scheduled for May 29, 2012

Meeting adjourned at 9:39pm.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Minutes 1/17/2012

Minutes for meeting of January 17, 2012

John Wetzel
Virginia Winn (hostess)
Marguerite Frongillo
Dianne Britton
Fred Druseikis
Mary Jo Wannamaker
Ben Coonrod
Stephanie and Scott McCravy

Previous meeting's minutes reviewed and approved.

Treasurer's Report approved. There is $1792 in the bank. Also, our budget spreadsheets need updating. When Fred gets the information from the treasurer, he will update those.

Outreach Committee Report:

Marguerite will put fliers out at the gym, and John will put some out at the YMCA.
Early Training Sessions: The 'Beyond Beginners' workshop has been encompassing beginners as well as more experienced dancers, but the workshop has succeeded in getting people to the dance much earlier. As of now, we will keep going with it and see how the workshop progresses.

Presidential Duties and Email List Updates:
John will get his list of duties to Dianne so she can put them on a calendar, so that everything gets done on time. He added to that list another presidential duty will be to check with Dianne, who currently manages the board email list, to make sure that the board email list is updated withing two weeks of a new election. At the present time Dianne manages and maintains this email list, and will continue to do so until she decides otherwise. Both she and Virginia will review the big email list of all the dancers. A recurring agenda item will be to report on the status of these lists.

Possible Extra Dance With Lake Murray Contra:
There is a possibility of having an extra dance in a season utilizing Susan Fort's facilities (Lake Murray Contra). Virginia has been in contact with Susan for a while now, but we have yet to work all the details out. We will continue to keep in contact and network with Susan Fort to include her in the dance community, and this should be revisited on the next agenda.

Other Business:

Marguerite suggested that all the information for the announcements at the dance should be organized beforehand, so that she (or whomever does the announcements) will be sure to get all information out there. She volunteered to organize the list.
Dianne reminded us that we need to get the slate for the election together for the next meeting, which is in March, as the election will occur in May.
Ben volunteered to be on the Outreach Committee.

Next meeting scheduled for March 27, 2012

Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.