Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Minutes 3/8/11

John Wetzel
Connie Robinette
Virginia Winn (hostess)
Lucy Gordon
Marguerite Frongillo
Tim Sneed
Stephanie & Scott McCravy
Judy Wells
Tim Piesch

Previous meeting's minutes reviewed. Clarification regarding when the raise in pay rates will be in effect added to said minutes. Minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report: There is $1990 in the bank. Treasurer's report approved. Issue of the "one free dance admission" cards deemed a non-issue. The concern being what effect a large influx of said cards would have in terms of money. (See Minutes 1/25/11)

Reimbursements: The president wanted to be sure that this is a recurring agenda item so that those who need reimbursing (for various purchases/services) won't have to bring it up themselves. Lucy suggested and volunteered to create a simple form for such things that can be turned in to the treasurer for said reimbursements.

Form 990-N is taken care of by John.

Sound Equipment Status: John's repair for the equipment cost only around $60.00, but he will need about $20.00 to replace a microphone stand.

Bylaws Rewrite: Motion to accept the new bylaws passed.

Pre-dance Workshop: Lucy had only about five people sign up showing an interest in participating in this workshop, the purpose of which is to be a more in-depth lesson for newer dancers. Lucy would prefer announcing it one more time at the March 12th contra, and she would also like to check with Dianne about putting this up on the website in a way that allows those so inclined to respond.

Fliers: The "refrigerator fliers" have been made and are being used. Connie wanted to make sure that all fliers had the exact street address and zip code for the dance hall for those using GPS.

Slate for Election: Judy Wells and Tim Piesch were in attendance for the first time, and both agreed to serve on the board. Motion to elect Judy and Tim to the board passed. John, Connie, Scott and I (Stephanie) all agreed to continue to serve as officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, respectively) for the next slate, with John and Connie expressing the desire to serve in their respective positions for only one more year. We need to work out the best way to include Kenny Greer in meetings via phone or Skype, as he is willing to serve on the board.
Goals for 2011:
  1. Increase variety in terms of bands, whether that be in the form of more out-of-town bands or encouraging/facilitating the formation of new local bands.
  2. Tim Sneed agreed to head up a committee to explore other options for venues, in case we are not able to use Arsenal Hill anymore due to unforeseen circumstances. This way we will know what our options are should that situation arise unexpectedly. John will also contribute to this committee, as he has experience in researching potential venues. Lucy suggested pooling our resources with or getting help/ideas from other dance groups.
  3. Virginia brought up having a pot-luck dinner before dances to encourage community-building opportunities. Having people volunteer to bring dishes would increase awareness and familiarity between board members and community members.
  4. Connie suggested (as a long term goal) having two dances a month should our attendance rise above the capacity of the hall, which it almost has a few times.
VA Event: Marguerite is looking for volunteers to participate in a contra dance at the VA Health Fair on March 26, 2011. Volunteers should be experienced dancers. She and Virginia will explore sending an email out to ask for volunteers.
Meeting adjourned 9:27pm