COTMD Minutes 9/16/2014 - approved November 11, 2014
Meeting convened at 7:40 pm.
In attendance: John, Marguerite, Dianne, Fred, Virginia, Victor.
Following a discussion about current board membership, Victor agreed to contact board members going off the board this year.
The board reached a consensus that meeting minutes should be specific enough to be useful. For example, the total balance from the treasurer's report should appear in the minutes.
Several mistakes/omissions from last month's meeting minutes were noted: misspelling of Dianne's name, "scheduler" should be "booker", missing Treasurer's report total balance. Virginia to communicate these changes to last season's secretary for correction.
There was discussion about whether or not to publish summaries of the operational reports. A yearly summary document was suggested.
Minutes from last month's meeting, as corrected (see above), were accepted by unanimous vote.
Virginia noted that the $75 check to CDSS has not been cashed yet. The total balance is $2578.92 as of 8/31/2014.
The treasurer's report was approved by unanimous vote pending changes to year dates in the detail sheet distributed at the meeting.
Wrist bands have been paid for. They seem to be well-accepted by the dancers.
Dianne is to clean up the COTMD Board google group to reflect current board membership.
The status of band/caller schedule was reported by Marguerite, including a rundown of band costs. There was a discussion of holes in the schedule that need to be filled. A local band may be pulled together if other bands do not materialize to fill the gaps.
Virgina passed out flyers for us all to post before the dance, as well as Contracola business cards containing the web address Marguerite's suggestion to add the flyer as an attachment to the emailed newsletters was informally approved.
The planned discussion of WUSC as a dance host was largely tabled due to Laura's absence. There was some discussion of the possibility of a future dance at USC and the board was favorably disposed toward it.
Victor presented some feedback from other dance groups, e.g., River Falls. This led to a discussion of what constitutes a successful dance group - longevity? dancers per regional capita?
Virgina inquired as to whether we would be interested in pursuing a possible Arts Commission grant in the $5000 range. This led to discussion of a portable dance floor, building a dance hall, architectural plans for a dance hall, an annual dance weekend. Virgina is to get information on what kinds of things have been funded by the Arts Commission in the past.
The group showed some enthusiasm for a dance hall building or pavilion of our own. One idea would be to build a pavilion at a park. Another idea would be to move the Women's Tennis Center.
Victor brought to the group's attention the need for us to have an agreed-upon policy for dealing with disruptive dancers. He will attempt to find existing such policies to be used as a template for us to customize.
John will be holding sound equipment training sessions for Victor and Fred and whomever else is interested. Sessions, to be hosted by Virgina, are tentatively scheduled for Tuesday 9/23 or 9/30.
Meeting adjourned without objection at 9:47pm.
Next meeting is scheduled for 11/11/2014.