Monday, April 5, 2010

Minutes 2/9/10

John Wetzel
Connie Robinette (hostess)
Dianne Britton
Fred Druseikis
Lucy Gordon
Virginia Winn
Marguerite Frongillo
Stephanie and Scott McCravy

Previous meetings minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report submitted and approved.

John submitted the 1099 form as is, and it was accepted by the IRS.

Community Outreach
Connie has been in touch with an environmental conference of Columbia College who are interested in having a contra dance for those attending the conference. After some discussion, the board decided that this would not be a conceivable idea.

Virginia suggested that the senior center may be interested in a demo dance sometime in the fall. Connie suggested that we do demo dances at church festivals.

John reported that our ad was in the actual paper for the Free Times, but Lucy only saw the ad on the Free Times website. Dianne and Fred met with the editor, and he indicated that we needed to give him a press release.

Musicians Outreach
The musician outreach committee met once and planned to meet again soon. It is hard to get people who want to play in a band, because most people would rather dance than play. Lucy suggested we have a scheduled event where we can invite musicians to play and learn; it would be better to have a more casual gathering than the sessions at the Publick House.

Contingency Fund Discussion
Fred presented two spreadsheets detailing our expenses from Fall 2007 through Spring 2009. We decided that we would look at the expenses in six months and see what we need to push through the year. We should maybe look at putting a spreadsheet onto googledocs so that it can be edited online by authorized persons. Dianne made a motion to take the figures from the current dance year and decide how much to put toward the contingency plan for the next meeting. Motion was passed. Fred pointed out that we have essentially been dependent on the graces of the City in terms of renting the hall. Connie suggested we go ahead and pay for the hall as far in advance while we can still pay the $75 rental fee, in case the price goes up and we are out of a hall.

Lucy pointed out that Virginia has paid for several items for the Community Outreach Committee and needs to be reimbursed. It was agreed that we need to be more aware of this issue and have those who contribute funds for supplies, etc, submit written bills or records so we can go ahead and reimburse them and have these things on record.

Elections are coming up, and there should probably be an email sent out as a reminder.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35pm.