COTMD Minutes 6/29/10
John Wetzel
Connie Robinette
Virginia Winn (hostess)
Lucy Gordon
Dianne Britton
Fred Druseikis
Stephanie and Scott McCravy
Previous meeting's minutes reviewed and accepted.
Treasurer's Report:
There is $1,258.00 in the bank. Scott wrote out a $75.00 check to CDSS at the meeting. This is for the renewal of our CDSS status as a nonprofit organization. Ensuring this status entails filling out a questionnaire, providing a financial report, and submitting the $75 check. Update on Cards and Fliers:Virginia will change the Prepaid Dance Cards so that they match the New Dancer Coupons, in that both will include a space to write in the date that each expires, so as to make things run more smoothly at the money table. She will also make sure all fliers reflect the change from the second Saturday to the third Saturday of every month. We will keep the full page, half page, and bookmark fliers, but do away with the tri-fold fliers. We should also put all of them up on the website so that people can print them out as they need them.
Reserve Fund:
John suggested that we put aside $400 in a reserve fund category now while we have the funds to do so. Connie agreed with that and added that we should do a mid-point or mid-season reassesment after we get a baseline of how the upcoming dance season is going in terms of income. John moved that we accept putting the $400 aside and that we will revisit this issue in a future meeting. Motion seconded and passed. Connie requested permission to hire a third out-of-town band for next season since we have the funds to do so. A motion was made to allow for a third out-of-town band and the motion passed.
Another motion was made to increase Marolyn Floyd's pay as caller from $25.00 to $40.00 ($35 + $5 for mileage). Motion seconded and passed. However, we do need to revisit the issue of what we pay in-town vs. out-of-town callers at a future meeting. Marolyn also mentioned having a dance to raise money for her friend's mission trip, and a motion was passed to allow the information for that event to be posted to our website and/or sent out in an email to our maling list.
Election Results:
Since the willingness (and capacity to serve) of some nominees is unclear, the publishing of the results of the board election will be deferred until those issues have been clarified. The board will make every effort to publish the election results before the commencement of the 2010-2011 dance season.
Future Agenda Items:
The following items were suggested as agenda items for future meetings:
> Putting together a written procedure for how to prepare for and conduct elections
> Review of the "pay rates" appropriate for callers and bands.
Next meeting tentatively set for August 24, 2010.
Meeting adjourned at 9:04PM.