John Wetzel
Connie Robinette
Lucy Gordon (hostess)
Dianne Britton
Fred Druseikis
Stephanie and Scott McCravy
Treasurer's Report: We have $1,215.00 in the bank.
Previous meeting's minutes accepted.
Publicity Report: The fliers are uploaded to website and made public with instructions on printing. Virginia got the papers taken care of. Connie has posts up on Facebook and Twitter about the schedule change. Dianne has emailed the schedule change alert and will send it out again in case people haven't noticed. She will change the subject field of the email to read "New dates." Fred wanted to remind the board that he has to renew the contracola domain name every year.
Election Results: Kenny Greer, Tim Sneed, and Leslie Minerd are indeed members at large on the board. A motion was passed to officially name them in the published minutes.
Need for Election Procedures: John expressed the need for a nominating committee, and Lucy suggested we need to keep this issue on the agenda throughout the year. Some issues the Nominating Committee (with the input of the rest of the board) would undertake are limitations/qualifications for serving on the board as an officer and creating a uniform nominating and voting process. A motion was passed to create a Nominating Committee. John, Lucy, Fred, and Connie volunteered to be on said committee. Lucy agreed to be chairperson. The Nominating Committee report will be a standing agenda item.
Pay Rates for Callers and Bands: Marolyn Floyd was notified of the increased pay for her calling and is very grateful. Much discussion was devoted to the issue of increasing the per person rate for bands and the possibility of hiring more out-of-town bands. As we have several issues/changes to deal with this season (i.e. schedule change and possible reserve fund), the discussion was deferred to later in the season as we see the effect of change.
Agenda Items for next meeting: Revisit hiring fourth out-of-town band and the issue of pay rates.
Next meeting scheduled for November 9, 2010
Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm.