Wednesday, August 21, 2013

May 21, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes

Columbia Old Time Music & Dance - May 21, 2013

In Attendance:

John Wetzel, President
Dianne Britton
Connie Robinette, Secretary
Virginia Winn, Treasurer
Lucy Gordon
Robin Ducker

Tim Piesch, Vice-President
Kenny Greer
Stephanie McCravy
Scott McCravy
Jacob LeGrone
Fred Druseikis
Marguerite Frongillo

Meeting Convenes:

Minutes of previous meeting were discussed and motion passed to approve and accept minutes.

Treasurer’s report was presented by Virginia Winn. Discussion followed. John submitted receipts for two direct boxes to the Treasurer for reimbursement. Motion passed to approve and accept Treasurer’s Report.

New Business:

Results of election reviewed.
John Wetzel, President
Tim Piesch, Vice President
Connie Robinette, Secretary and Social Media
Virginia Winn, Treasurer
Jacob LaGrone, Member at Large/Student Liaison
Dianne Britton, Database Manager and Member at Large
Fred Druseikis, Member at Large
Robin Ducker, Member at Large
Kenny Greer, Member at Large
Marguerite Frongillo, Member at Large/Booker of Bands and Caller

John Wetzel distributed the 10 dance dates for 2013-2014 for review. Consensus of the group was that the dance should continue to be held on the third Saturday of the month.

Someone reminded the group that Fred offered to do the sound should John be unable to be at a particular dance either for illness or to attend another event. Virginia Winn offered her support as she also has experience in this area.

Meeting date for next board meeting will be August 20th. Motion was made to end meeting. Motion approved, meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Connie Robinette