Monday, February 17, 2014

Meeting Minutes

December 17, 2013


Virginia Winn
John Wetzel
Dianne Britton
Fred Druseikis
Jacob LeGrone
Marguerite Frongillo
Connie Robinette

Not Present

Kenny Greer
Robin Drucker
Tim Piesch

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes from the last Board Meeting were reviewed and revised.

Treasurer’s Report

There was a review of prices of bands and callers, and discussion about bands to be scheduled for upcoming events. Conversation included the effect of boosting rates and numbers of dancers to offset increases in band/caller related costs. Fred presented his Operations chart. Motion passes, treasurers report approved.

There was discussion about adding Laura Godenick to the board outside the normal election cycle. Board agreed to invite Laura to the Board and also Victor Gascon to the Board as well.

Status of Dancer Reminder List - List is up to date per Dianne and Virginia.

Discussion of Caller Education Grant for Jacob LeGrone Jacob and Victor have both been learning to call, and have shared calling duties at the Lake Murray Contradance.

Should we allow the sale of tee shirts at our Dance? Group agreed that Kermit could sell dance t-shirts at the dance as a fundraiser for the group, with $1.00 of each purchase to go to the COTMD. Kermit would be responsible for manning the table at the event. Note: Bands are encouraged to sell their CD’s at the dances.

Regarding Rooney and the water: There is no need for Rooney to continue bringing the water jogs. Most people are either bringing their own water or drinking from the water fountain.

Contracola Web Design – Topic discussed and Jacob and Dianne will talk further about the process.

Contracola Logo Design - Need to reformulate a new logo was led by Virginia. New committee of Jacob,Virginia, Connie and Dianne.

Motion passed to end meeting.

Note: No scheduled date for next Board Meeting.

Minutes August 20, 2013

Board Meeting August 20, 2013


Virginia Winn
John Wetzel
Dianne Britton
Fred Druseikis
Jacob LeGrone
Marguerite Frongillo
Robin Ducker
Connie Robinette
Tim Piesch
Laura Godenick Visitor

Not Present

Kenny Greer

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes from the last Board Meeting were reviewed and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report

There was a review of prices of bands and callers, and discussion about bands to be scheduled for upcoming events. Conversation included the effect of boosting rates and numbers of dancers to offset increases in band/caller related costs. Fred presented his Operations chart. Motion passes, treasurers report approved.

August account balance in bank $1,460.92


Status of Dancer Reminder List - List is up to date per Dianne and Virginia

Out of town bands playing more than once - Guidelines and rules are flexible and exceptions can be made on an as needed basis.

Negotiation/booking issues. Right of first refusal.

Discussions about rebranding the Contracola website. Ideas were shared and more dialogue to follow.

Motion to end meeting.

Note: No scheduled date for next Board meeting.