Meeting Minutes -- April 21, 2015 - approved 5/19/2015
John W.
Victor G.
Marguerite F.
Fred D.
Sandra K.
Virginia W.
Dianne B.
Kenny G.
Tim P.
Connie R.
Fred agreed to take minutes in Dianne's absence.
Previous Meeting Minutes were approved.
Treasurer's Report:
$1774.92 balance in checking account
$821 loss for dance operations as of 4/21/2015
No Reimbursements
John & Virginia will formulate an e-mail to the dance community regarding our financial health.
List Maintenance:
General discussion about "Who should be able to send to the general e-mail list?"
All board members? or some subset?
There are currently three people authorized.
Add John Wetzel to the general list.
Discussion about potentially setting aside moneys for restart after an extended suspension of operations.
No specific action was decided.
Discussion about our disruptive dancer policy.
Victor will send a recommendation to board consisting of two parts:
(1) what we say about our policy in the way of a small sign at the gate (i.e., one or two sentences);
(2) what we say as a fully elaborated (lengthy, several paragraphs) policy published on our website.
Demo Dance May 9.
Five men, three women volunteers.
It's a Saturday. But it's also USC Graduation day.
Planning to have flyers at the Emerald Ballroom dance.
Dance at Emerald Ballroom -- drive before we buy.
Prospect of Trinity Cathedral
Slate for next year's Board:
President: Victor
VP: Victor to explore possibilities.
Treasurer: Virginia
Secretary: John
Booker: Margurite
At large members:
Connie ?
Dianne ?
Tim ?
Kenny ?
Carry-over Agenda topics:
Liability declaration vs. signatures taken at the gate.
Booking document to be settled by John, Marguerite, and Virginia.
Next Meeting: May 12, 2015
Location: Virginia's