Present: Dianne B., Dianne P-Q., Virginia, John, Marguerite, Fred
Absent: Karl, Kenny, Maris, Gail
The meeting at Virginia's house was called to order at 7:46pm. (Yes, we got started a little later than usual.) It was believed by those present that there was a quorum.
The minutes for the previous meeting (August 9, 2023) were approved, with the notation that the next meeting, which had been scheduled for September 13, was postponed due to illness. It is the meeting being held presently.
The Treasurer's Report was approved. We have had only nominal expenses and our run rate has been consistent with date reported in previous months. We will be paying CFMA for the hall on a quarterly schedule at which time we will use the communication to reaffirm the intended near-term schedule.
The Booker's Report communicated the following data:
10/14/23 Band: Cloud 10, Caller: Tom Macklin, Sound: Tyler, Table: Fred
11/11/23 Band: Contracola Open Band (debut), Caller: Joel Wilder, Sound: Tyler, Table: TBD
12/9/23 Band: Evil Twins, Caller: Kenny Greer, Sound: Tyler?, Table: Fred
1/13/24 Band: Cloud 10; Caller: TBD, Sound: ?, Table: ?
2/10/24 Band: CCOB?, Caller TBD: Sound: ?, Table: ?
(Note coverage for staffing the table where we collect admission fee and zip codes. This is here as a reminder that it needs to be addressed by the board sometime before the dance; it is not a new responsibility for the Booker. Often this can be addressed in the few moments while the hall is being set-up. Fred normally volunteers for this but needs a substitute when he's not available.)
Dance Report: The overall assessment of the CFMA hall is that it is marginal at best and Lake Murray is a much better choice for ambiance; CFMA's obvious value is proximity but that doesn't mean much if dancers aren't showing up. In that respect if we are going to continue to sponsor dances with low attendance we can just as well do it at Lake Murray as CFMA. We have also relearned why we don't hold dances in the summer, viz. Columbia's well-earned reputation for being "famously hot." One of our possible out-of-town bands privately communicated to us that they would not be available for awhile for us for a couple of reasons; the first being that the travel down to us (and back in the dark) on I26 was especially difficult for them because of all the construction; and second, because the dances have been too low energy to make the trip worth the effort. Hopefully we can get them back after things improve.
Other Topics
CCOB: The band has been practicing and several players are excited about performing. Some are still content to either sit it out or wait for another time after the November 11 debut. The CCOB would like the opportunity to play more often if that suits the Board.
Child Safety: We will carry this forward. Maris and John will prepare something.
Mailing List: Nobody has been taken off lists yet. There are 2-3 additions every month. The Givebutter platform had a technical issue that resulted in not all to receive text messages; it is working now.
Advertising: There was discussion about the effort required to publish our events in different media. It's not simple. There is a certain amount of work to get it done and it varies by the outlet. There are services that will help with this, but of course they cost money and we have no idea if they are really worth it or even appropriate for our need.
Meetup Groups: We have heard from folks in both Charlotte and Charleston that Meetup is working for them. We need to understand how they are using it to their advantage and the effort required to make it work.
Two Dances per Month: There was considerable discussion about the wisdom and ability of continuing to produce two dances per month given the level of attendance we've experienced since our restart last August (2022). The consensus in the room was that we need to cut back to one dance per month. This is an opportune time because of events. The following was motion was proposed:
Proposed motion to be voted at later time: We will soon be voting on (via email) about whether to end our experiment of running two dances per month year round. We may be going to go to one dance per month, on the Second Saturday, with the primary venue being CFMA with Lake Murray being backup. We thus may also not produce dances during the summer months, viz. July and August. Note: John Wetzel edited these minutes by modifying the italicized portions of this paragraph and the following sentence.
(For parliamentary nerds: a motion was made, it was seconded, it was discussed, but further discussion and action has been tabled pending discussion and an eventual vote via email.)
John will send an email summarizing his analysis. That e-mail shall be incorporated by reference into these minutes, as will the responses by others to it.
Next meeting: Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Adjourn: 9:18pm
s/Fred Druseikis/