The meeting was held at Marguerite's house. We had originally planned to meet on March 13 but Virginia had a conflict.
Present: Fred, Marguerite, Dianne B, Dianne P-Q, Gail, Maris.
Absent: Victor (delegate: Dianne B.), John (Delegate: Fred), Virginia.
We started at 7:30 pm. A quorum was present. The minutes from the previous meeting (Jaunary 10, 2024) were approved.
The Treasurer's report showed and increase of $350. The report was approved.
The Booker presented her report. The intention was to fill out the remainder of this season at Bill's Pickin' Parlor. At this time it was unclear if we should plan on having a dance in August at Bill's because of the unknown level of HVAC support. (There were some who felt that it would be adequate because there is no evidence to the contrary; we had such a poor experience in the past summer at CMFA we once again could recall the reason why we didn't have dances in the summer in Columbia LOL.) The question of summer dances would be again taken up at the May board meeting; August 24 in specific. The dates for dances in November and December are definitely at issue because they are not 4th Saturdays. Need to coordinate with Bill's on this.
Next was the Dance Report. There was discussion about the February dance at Bill's, it being the first. There was a mixed reaction. Clearly it was necessary to set expectations for callers to understand the venue and its traditions in the local area. The CMFA venue is definitely inadequate for our needs and we will be telling them not to expect us for the remainder of the season. Marguerite will communicate this with Joseph.
In general the impressions of Bill's is positive. In general, we decided we should continue at Bill's for the remainder of this season. Dianne B. will work with Jan to formalize (i.e., write down) the agreement our group will have with Bill's for hosting dances there. This should be discussed in greater detail at the May meeting.
The slate of board officers needs to be updated and approved at the May meeting.
There was no other business.
The next meeting is scheduled for May 15 at Virginia's, pending approval. (John subsequently confirmed the date with her.)
The meeting adjourned at 8:59pm.
/s/Fred Druseikis