Sunday, June 30, 2024

Minutes May 15, 2024

The board met at Virginia Winn's house on the evening of May 15, 2024.

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm.

In attendance were: Virginia, Marguerite, John, Fred, Dianne B., Gail, Victor, Dianne P-Q, and Maris.

The minutes for the last meeting (held March 6) were approved.

Dianne B gave the Treasurer's Report.  She noted that an over-payment of $100 was made to CDSS; she will work with them to either get a refund or credit.  A check was sent to CMFA for use of the hall through January.  Financial details were reported on the spreadsheet.  It was noted that because of the financial arrangement made with Bill's Pickin' Parlor there were some positive numbers.  The report was approved.

Marguerite gave the Booker's Report.  Sherlock's Meow will be playing and Kenny Greer will be calling for the dance on 5/27 at Bill's.  The Lagomorph Trio will be playing in June with Gretchen Caldwell calling. {Ultimately the dance happened at Lake Murray Contra Hall and Tom Machlin called due to sickness and Bill's deciding they'd had enough contra.]

There was discussion about possible plans for July and August and into the Fall.   This was based on good faith assumptions about continuing with Bill's as a venue. 

There was discussion about the general experience we were having at Bill's and there was discussion about contra dancers's impressions.  It was not all positive.  There was discussion about simple things like whether water was freely available or if we could bring it or if  it was expected to be purchased.

Some concern was expressed about a culture clash.

At the time these minutes were posted (late June) the reader will note that optimistic assumptions about Bill's as a venue were unfounded. The May dance did happen at Bill's.  Willie subsequently told us (immediately after the May dance) that Bill’s was no longer available to us as a venue (w/o significant changes to the schedule and financial agreement). We thus had to relocate the June dance to LMCH on short notice.   All of this transpired cordially and with sincere expressions of mutual regret.  We were very grateful that Susan could accommodate us on such short notice.

As far as schedule is concerned, 4th Saturday's seem to be working.  This year Thanksgiving is early so there is no clash there.  The date for a late December dance is not realistic so we need to reconsider a possible earlier date.

The Bylaws stipulate the month of May for for appointment of officers and at-large board members for the next year.  After a brief discussion there was consensus that we can continue with our current lineup.

President: John

Vice President & Booker: Marguerite

Treasurer: Dianne B.

Secretary: Fred

At-Large Members: Gail, Maris, Dianne P-Q., Victor, Virginia, Kenny.

Kenny has relocated to Berea, Kentucky.  However it was felt that we could benefit from his advice if he were to continue as a full at-large voting member because he has in the past contributed to the discussion on various issues.

The slate was approved.

Next meeting: Wednesday, July 10, 2024.

The meeting adjourned at 8:52 pm.