MINUTES: COTMD business meeting, Sep 8, 2003
The following people attended the meeting, which was held at the house of
Connie Robinette:
- Nancy Stone Collum
- Dianne Britton
- Fred Drusakis
- Connie Robinette
- John Wetzel
- Karen Long
- Ann Merkel
Dianne distributed some flyers for our upcoming dance series.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed.
The previous meeting minutes were modified so as to add the information that there was a $326.25 balance as of March 3.
A motion was made to accept the minutes of the two most recent previous meetings, and that motion was approved.
Nancy informed the group that the treasury balance is now $150.25, with all fees and payments to date considered and included in that total. This, along with a paper copy of a spreadsheet detailing various financial transactions and inputs, constituted the treasurers report.
A motion was made to accept the treasurers report. That motion was approved.
Connie discussed the schedule, and the current status of her scheduling of callers and bands.
Dianne talked about a presentation of COTMD that she gave to the South Carolina Arts Commission.
Dianne suggested that the "together in time" video be shown. This was discussed by the group.
Dianne brought up the issue that we need a new membership chairperson. This was discussed briefly without any immediate solution presenting itself. For the present, Connie and Nancy will share the load.
Dianne brought up the issue that there were more hall/venue problems. These include a threatned increase in hall fees that might force our organization out of the current venue (arsenal hill hall). Fred
agreed to write and or talk to the appropriate people at city government to see what if anything can be done about this issue. This problem was discussed at length, with particular emphasis on renewing a search for a new venue. John Wetzel was to look over a possible venue near SCDOT headquarters.
Possible other contacts that are to be pursued:
- Dianne to call Craig Stinson of the S.C Arts Commission, regarding grant writing.
- John Wetzel to contact Larry Hembree of the S.C. Arts Commission, regarding possible venues
- Connie to contact Jane Swantez regarding venue at Logan School
- John to contact Columbia Historical Society
- Dianne to investigate Columbia Music Festival Association's (free) space
- Nancy to contact CDSS regarding whether (or to what extent) they (as fiscal agent) funnel an affiliate group's grant money (from an outside source) back to the affiliate groups.
- Anne to investigate state library sources for funding, as time permits.
- Nancy to inquire about getting a cut of the state hospitality and accommodation tax money, since the dance attracts out-of-town folk and has the potential of attracting more.
The need to raise the fees charged for dances (in light of the results of the treasurers report) was discussed. After discussion, a motion was made to raise the dance fee to $7:00, and that motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned by motion.