In attendance:
- Connie
- Tim
- Jonathan
- Nancy
- Fred
- Lesly
- Dianne
- Denys
The schedule through June was presented, with callers and bands still needed for the April and June dances. Bart Saylor's band with Maggie as caller is a possibility for one of those dates.
Rachel Haynie, a reporter for the Columbia Star was at the January dance, and an article will run in the Star. Dianne provided new flyers and posters, which are available on the COTMD website. Everyone is encouraged to download flyers and posters and distribute them widely.
There was discussion of raising the admission price to the dance, but it was agreed to postpone consideration of a price increase until next year. A motion was made to provide a coupon for free admission to a dance to first time visitors to encourage them to return. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
The following motion was made regarding membership:
"Be it resolved that a COTMD voting member (for the purpose of electing officers or making other decisions requiring a vote of the membership) will be defined as: 1) all paid member; 2) all board members; and 3) anyone 18 or over present at a dance that also includes a COTMD election and who has attended at least one other dance during the current dance season."
This motion was seconded and passed unanimously. A motion was made that basic membership revert to the prior membership schedule as follows:
"A basic membership is $25.00 for one year. Becoming a member at any level entitles you to $2.00 discount on the regular admission price for each dance. Additional benefits at these membership levels:
$25.00: 1 free dance admission
$50.00: 2 free dance admissions
$100.00: 5 free dance admissions"
This motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Tim volunteered to take over dance publicity. Dianne and Connie will provide him with information on newspapers, radio and the e-mail list. There is a new membership form on the website.
A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously that the following procedure will be followed regarding payment of bands: Connie will e-mail the amount negotiated with the band to Nancy and to the band prior to the dance.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.