Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Minutes 11/6/2007

Minutes of the COTMD Board

November 6, 2007

  • Fred Druseikis
  • Dianne Britton
  • John Wetzel
  • Connie Robinette (hosting)
  • Tim Sneed
  • Lucy Gordon
  • Stephanie and Scott McCravy
Meeting begins 7:30pm

Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.

Old Business: Connie seems to be moving along in planning a special dance at the art museum. The dance would most likely take place on a Friday, and if everything goes well, we may be invited back to do more.

Dianne is contributing the price of the website ($70) to the group for this calendar year.

Operations Summary distributed and discussed. Debate began over whether to pay callers and/or musicians more for travel. John agreed to forgo his pay as sound technician for Dean Snipes. The issue was raised in regard to raising the door price. Other suggestions were to ramp up advertising, thereby bringing more people to each dance.

Other ideas included creating punch cards that would allow dancers to purchase admission in advance. Said punch card would have 10 punches (dances) on it and would expire a year from date of purchase. Motion to implement punch cards was made and passed.

Motion was also made and passed to raise the door price for both members (now $6) and non-members (now $8).

Next meeting scheduled for sometime in March 2008.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Minutes 8/28/2007

Minutes of the COTMD Board

August 28, 2007, meeting at Connie's house.

  • Stephanie and Scott McCravy,
  • John Wetzel,
  • Jesh Plumb,
  • Connie Robinette,
  • Lucy Gordon,
  • Tim Sneed,
  • Fred Druseikis,
  • Dianne Britton.
The meeting began promptly at 7:30pm after all attending enjoyed a wonderful dessert Connie prepared.

Approval of Previous Minutes

Minutes of the previous meeting on June 26, 2007 were reviewed. A motion to accept the old minutes was made and passed.

Treasurer's Report

Treasurer's report was presented. All hall rental fees have been paid through December of this year (2007).

The annual report for 2006-2007 was also presented and discussed.

A motion to accept the treasurer's report was made and passed.

Old Business

A follow-up on changing the By-Laws was discussed. All agreed to sending email and providing print-outs notifying members about voting on this change at/before the September dance, so that the issue could then be voted on at the October dance.

Connie updated everyone on the caller and band schedule. Bands have been secured through December, and she is still getting the Spring dances booked. We discussed giving beginner callers the chance to call at least one dance each month (perhaps the first dance after the break). Tim and Jesh expressed interest in doing so. Connie brought up the chance to maybe have a small contra dance at the Art Museum as it is a very nice venue and would be a good showcase to attract new dancers.

New Business

A motion was proposed to consider another dance at Mt. Tabor in either November or December. Motion was approved.

We discussed advertising and promoting upcoming dances. We decided to include the entire or multiple month schedule on flyers so people would have access to dates in advance. Fred agreed to make up these flyers on the website so members/dancers can print them out and distribute them. Tim submitted an ad to the paper and Connie suggested having one on NPR.

Fred then updated us on the status of the website which is now much more hands-on to both members and non-members.

Next meeting scheduled for November 6, 2007.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.

/s/ Stephanie McCravy
Secretary, CoTMD
October 6, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Schedule for 2007-2008

date $ location band caller
Sept. 15, 2007**
Saturday 7:30-10:30pm
$7 Arsenal Hill Park Building Cabin Fever!
Kenny Greer
(Myrtle Beach)
Oct. 13, 2007
Saturday 7:30-10:30pm
$7 Arsenal Hill Park Building Corner House
David Glick
Nov. 10, 2007
Saturday 7:30-10:30pm
$7 Arsenal Hill Park Building BonneTerre
Dean Snipes
Dec. 8, 2007
Saturday 7:30-10:30pm
$7 Arsenal Hill Park Building Whistlin' Rufus
Doug Singleton
Jan. 12, 2008
Saturday 7:30-10:30pm
$8 Arsenal Hill Park Building Sandy Boys
Maggie Jo Saylor
Feb. 9, 2008
Saturday 7:30-10:30pm
$8 Arsenal Hill Park Building Cabin Fever!
Jonathan Watterson
(Nelson, NH)
Mar. 8, 2008
Saturday 7:30-10:30pm
$8 Arsenal Hill Park Building BonneTerre
Kenny Greer
(Myrtle Beach)
Apr. 5, 2008**
Saturday 7:30-10:30pm
$8 Arsenal Hill Park Building Corner House
Lesly Bowers
May. 17, 2008**
Saturday 7:30-10:30pm
$8 Arsenal Hill Park Building Cabin Fever!
Dean Snipes
June. 14, 2008
Saturday 7:30-10:30pm
$8 Arsenal Hill Park Building Chuff Chuff
Kenny Greer
(Myrtle Beach)
* Members get a discount on the cost of admission.
** Not the "second saturday"

Monday, July 2, 2007

Minutes 6/26/2007

Minutes of the June 26, 2007, meeting of COTMD Board, at Connie's house.

Attending: John Wetzel, Jesh Plumb, Connie Robinette, Lucy Gordon, Tim Sneed (H)706-860-2426/(C) 706-399-2477, Marguerite Frongillo, Fred Druseikis, Dianne Britton

Absent: Stephanie Sanders, Denys Proteau, Kenny Greer

The board members began gathering at 7pm to enjoy the wonderful pastry desert Connie prepared. The meeting started at 7:30pm.

John Wetzel agreed to act as secretary for this meeting.

The minutes of the previous meeting (November 2006) were reviewed. We discussed buisness cards for COTMD for advertising. We reviewd the previous discussion regarding the need for an email address and group list for COTMD. We discussed revisiting a possible venue at the State Museum. A motion to accept the old minutes was made and passed.

Treasurer's report was given: there is $909 in the checking account on 6/25/2007 and $28 in the kitty. Fred passed out a spreadsheet summarizing operating expenses for the last year. This was discussed. A motion to accept the treasurers report was made and passed.

Fred distributed information about possible changes to the existing web presence, to create a listserve. This was discussed. A motion to move the contracola website onto a web hosting service with appropriate capabilities was made and passed, details next meeting.

New Buisness

Discussed changing bylaws as regards number of at-large officers. A motion to recommend that the membership change the bylaws to allow up to 12 at large board members was made and passed. Bylaw changes require a vote of the membership, which will be done in September.

Discussed current venue, which is reserved September thru December 2007, on 2nd Saturdays, except for the third Saturday, September 15.

Discussion of training additional sound persons.

Discussion of training new callers.

Discussion of having more advanced dances during later stages of dance.

Motion for free admission to persons who only want to watch was made and passed.

Next meeting to be on Tuesday, August 28.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.

Minutes submitted by John Wetzel,

July 2, 2007