Minutes June 28, 2011
Attending: John Wetzel, Dianne Britton, Fred Druseikis, Mary Jo Wannamaker, Lucy Gordon, Virginia Winn (hostess), Connie Robinette, and Tim Sneed.
The previous meeting’s minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: (made by Virginia in Scott’s absence) Current bank balance is $1335.00. June dance profit of $98 has yet to be deposited. $102 remains in the kitty.
Board Members: No one presented any possible board member recruits.
Reimbursements: Fred was reimbursed $15 for renewal of domain name and John was reimbursed $43.65 for new mic stand out of the $98 profit from the June dance.
Next Season Dance Dates: John has confirmed the last two dates for the next season with the city.
Process of keeping a current list of board members email addresses on the COTMD board member list: Diane will be responsible for keeping the email list up to date for both board members and contra dancers. Virginia volunteered to be the backup person.
Additional discussion of new band pay rates and related issues. This issue was revisited because we had a good turnout for the June dance but only had a profit of $25 with the lower 2011 band rates. Discussion related to whether we should increase local band rates as previously agreed upon. Fred explained his spreadsheet which clarified current costs, dancer attendance, and revenue for each dance over a two year period. This was very insightful. John moved that the basic rate of pay per member of a local band should be $35 up to a maximum of $140 for the entire band. Connie has the discretion to pay a lump sum amount not to exceed $140 for a local band as she lines up the bands for next season. The maximum price for an out of town band will remain at $200 at this time. Motion passed.
Extra dance with Susan Fort: We will rediscuss the issue of an extra dance with Susan Fort at our next meeting.
We did not get to the outreach report. It will be discussed at the next meeting.
Next meeting is set for August 30, 2011 at 7:00. Virginia has graciously agreed to host the meeting.
Meeting adjoined at 9:45 pm.