Saturday, May 11, 2013

Minutes March 19, 2013

Board Meeting Minutes
Columbia Old Time Music & Dance
March 19, 2013

In Attendance:

John Wetzel, President
Dianne Britton
Fred Druseikis
Stephanie McCravy
Scott McCravy
Jacob LaGrone
Connie Robinette, Secretary
Virginia Winn, Treasurer

Tim Piesch, President
Kenny Greer

Meeting Convenes:

Minutes of previous meeting were discussed and motion passed to approve and accept minutes.

Treasurer’s report was presented by Virginia Winn. Discussion followed.

Discussion of recommended expenditure involved the purchase of direct box to take the signal and convert it to a low impedance to improve sound quality. John Wetzel, providing his appraisal as Sound for the dance, observed that we didn’t need a high end device for this.

Suggestions were made to improve the financial spreadsheet to make it easier to assess our universal net worth.

Motion passed to approve and accept Treasurer’s Report.

New Business:

Dianne Britton discussed status of board email.

Slate for next election was discussed. President John Wetzel begrudgingly says he would continue to serve as President for the next year in the absence of another willing candidate. Other members currently serving on the board agreed to continue in their ongoing capacities and Laura Goderick was approved as a member at large. Slate for the May election established.

John presented Booking Policies which he observed as a collection of all of our materials so that we could ratify it as a document.

This Policies and Parameters document was discussed and approved. Fred was assigned role of Parliamentarian. This document will be mentioned in the minutes but not available to the public.

Request made to add teacher/trainer to each of the dance schedule updates so that this information is available to the caller and to the dancers. Link to Facebook page was also suggested. Connie agreed to implement these changes.

Meeting date for next board meeting will be May 21. Motion was made to end meeting. Motion approved, meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Connie Robinette

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