Thursday, September 11, 2014

Meeting Minutes April 14, 2014

Board Meeting April 15, 2014


Dianne Britton

Fred Druseikis

Marguerite Frongillo

Victor Gascon

Connie Robinette

Virginia Winn

John Wetzel

Not Present

Laura Godenick

Kenny Greer

Robin Drucker

Tim Piesch

Meeting Minutes from the last Board Meeting were reviewed and approved

Treasurer's Report

Treasurer’s report was given and Fred presented his Operations chart.

Treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved.

Board Email List and Dancer Reminder Email List Reports: Updated and current.

ElectionSlate - Slate thus far:

John Wetzel – President

Victor Gascon – Vice President

Virginia Winn - Treasurer

Diane Britton - Secretary and continue with web and database responsibilities.

Connie Robinette – Member at Large and Social Media

Fred Druseikis – Member at Large Unclear if Fred agreed to continue as Operations Manager

Note: Secretary is to contact Laura Godenick to see if she wants to continue on the Board in 2014. Note: Laura wants to be on the board, and have a dance at USC. She does not want to coordinate dances for the USC students. Someone on the board needs to speak with Jacob to see if he has a designee to carry on after he leaves USC. If Laura is the designee, he needs to talk with her about all that he does to see if she can commit to his level of involvement.

Door Work Solutions: Any time that a board member has to work the door the whole dance, they will be paid $40 for that dance AND get in free. Discussion about wrist bands as a means of identifying paid dancers. Victor was going to look into this and report back to the group.

Sound person pay was reviewed. It was voted and approved that the sound person would receive $40.00 per dance instead of $35.00.

Dance Dates of Schedule reviewed and approved

9/20/2014 (3rd Saturday)

10/11/2014 (2nd Saturday)

11/15/2014 (3rd Saturday)

12/13/2014 (2nd Saturday)


1/17/2015 (3rd Saturday)

2/21/2015 (3rd Saturday)

3/21/2015 (3rd Saturday)

4/11/2015 (2nd Saturday)

5/16/2015 (3rd Saturday)

6/20/2015 (3rd Saturday)

A motion was made and to end meeting. Note: Tuesday, May 20th will be the next Board Meeting

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