Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Minutes 11/17/2015

Minutes of the COTMD Board meeting of November 17, 2015
Attending were:
Natalie Weston
John Wetzel
Dianne Britton
Virginia Winn
Connie Robinette
Fred Druseikis
Marguerite Frongillo
Victor Gascon
Poonam Dhull
Tim Piesch
The meeting was opened, and began by approving the minutes of the previous meeting.
Virginia presented the treasurers report.  We lost $111 at our most recent dance (some of this may have been funds disbursed between dances, not funds "lost" at the dance).
The losses at our most recent dance was discussed, this included a long discussion about beginner classes.  The board voted to begin all beginner lessons as close as possible to 7PM, using either the hired caller or any available member of the board, whenever possible, regardless of the size of the group being taught.
The mailing list status was briefly reviewed.
Marguerite presented the current status of her booking efforts.
COTMD booking policies have been completed and posted on our website.
COTMD safety & comfort policies have been completed and posted on our website.
Natalie Weston and Poonam Dhull agreed to serve on the board, and were voted in as members at large.
Recruitment among students was discussed at some length, and Poonam agreed to post wherever she could at USC.
Recruitment among non-students was discussed at length, including many ideas for recruiting from churches and other non student community groups of all sorts.  
The "Summer 2016" agenda item for this meeting was tabled for future discussion.


  1. Tim suggested that we add links to dance videos to our website.
  2. Poonam suggested that we post our dance events on other dance groups Facebook pages (not limited to Contra groups). We already cross-post with Lake Murray and Charleston, but we can expand to include Swing and Ballroom dance organizations, and perhaps even Meetup groups that we belong to.
  3. Connie mentioned the related possibility of joining Midlands Gives with other non profits, to garner some contributions and hopefully a lot of attention.
The next meeting will be on January 12, 2016.
Meeting was adjourned.

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