Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Minutes July 10, 2024

Where: Virginia Winn's home.

When: 7 pm

Present: Fred, Dianne B., Gale, Maris, Victor, John, Marguerite, Virginia.

Absent: Dianne P-Q., Kenny.

John was briefly delayed; he called ahead to let us know.  He gave us the go-ahead to start without him, so Marguerite called the meeting to order at 7:33 pm. The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved. John then arrived.

Dianne B. gave the Treasurer's Report.  There was a small loss in the last dance.  There were two transactions since the last report: Our Meet-up account was extended for six months; and a two year renewal of the domain name was paid to Dotster.  The over-payment to CDSS reported in the last meeting has been refunded to us. There was some concern that Venmo would not work at LMCH, but it seems to work just fine as long as you stand outside of the building (which is metal.)

Money paid to us via Venmo will be moved to the regular bank account asap out of concern that keeping it in Venmo could cause it to be difficult to get to. (There was discussion of reports in the trade press of disputes etc.)

There are now about 100 cell phone numbers receiving texts message notification of our dance events.

Marguerite gave the Booker's Report.  Here is the current line-up for the first part of the next season:

Aug 24 at LMCH: Sherlock's Meow with Chris Hernandez calling.

Sept 28 at LMCH: Cloud Ten with TBD calling.

Oct 26 at LMCH: Marshal Goes with TBD.

Nov 23 at LMCH: Contracola Open Band with TBD.

Dianne P-Q has been in training over the summer for calling.  Hopefully she will soon be able to call some dances locally.  A possible opportunity for calling a couple of private events was passed on to her.

Some discussion of the status of other dance communities was had.  Charlotte's schedule is in flux. Of the Charlotte caller's, Gretchen and Dean are not available for family reasons; Stephanie is.  Victor also reported that he is stepping back from the Booker's role in Charlotte.

The first agenda item was regarding our continued quest for alternative dance venues.  The good news is that LMCH is available to us and Susan is very open to accommodating our events.  However as we are all well aware it is a significant trek (30 miles, 39 minutes as the Google Drives) from Columbia downtown to LMCH on Devil's Backbone Road off of US 378 west of the center of Lexington.  LMCH has the right vibe; and after having been at Bill's recently and having suffered through a year's worth of dancing at CMFA (some months having two dances) the contrasting differences between them an LMCH has been very evident.   Other venues were mentioned: Allergra, Esmeralda, Blue Moon, Cayce Leisure Center, Peak Leisure Center, and even Arsenal Hill and some churches.  Of those the venue in Peak looks very promising, but warning: that venue in Peak, SC, is about 25 miles from Columbia, so it's not exactly a win.  It's main advantage are it's floor and stage.

"We will keep looking."  Gail offered to check out the Oak Grove Civic center.  To help with this discovery process it was suggested we get some "business cards" to leave with contacts and prospects. Victor offered to mock-up some cards.

The second agenda item concerned the question of whether or not we should renew the insurance which was required but CMFA but is not being required of us for LMCH.  There was discussion and no consensus.  John suggested we take the pros and cons discussion to e-mail to develop positions and reasons for and against.  We do not have to decide immediately but the renewal date is coming up in September so it is imminent.  The cost is about $650 per year.  The insurance is comparable and similarly priced to insurance offered by CDSS.

Since the meeting John has initiated a e-mail discussion by stating the facts as known.  There has been e-mail discussion and the upshot of e-mail chain is that three board members expressed opinions in favor of purchasing the insurance, and thus far with two board members against.  As of the writing of these minutes there are five board members who have not expressed opinions in e-mail.  (The e-mail chain is incorporated into these minutes by reference.)  John will call the question at the next meeting.

The next meeting will be Aug 28 at Virginia's.

The meeting adjourned at 9:18 pm.

/s/ Fred Druseikis


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