Monday, September 9, 2002
Minutes 9/9/2002
The following persons were present:
Dianne Britton
Connie Robinette
John Wetzel
Nancy Stone-Collum
Debbie Samples
Glenn White
Karen Long
* The meeting began with a review of the previous meeting.
* The minutes of the previous meeting were then approved by a vote.
* COTMD expenses were reviewed. The treasury has a total of $211.25 of available funds, with an outlay of $150 for hall rental due in the near future. (City Parks is allowing us to pay for just two months at a time.)
* Dianne asked for a note in these minutes, indicating that she is to forward the "IRS form" to Deborah Hayes.
* A motion was made to accept the treasurer's report. The motion was seconded, and approved by vote.
* A discussion of our upcoming dance schedule was held, during which it was noted that Wes and Dean will be calling all our dances this season. Both of these callers (from Charlotte) have expressed interest in helping us develop local callers. Lesly Bowers (from Columbia) was mentioned as being interested in training as a caller. Lack of funds is impacting the scheduling of bands for the season.
* The failure of our organization to achieve a new venue at the state museum was discussed, along with the need for continued search for a new venue. Nancy suggested that her church might be willing for us to dance there, at least occasionally, and the space is quite suitable size-wise, etc., although it does not have a wood floor.
* Brief discussion on the subjects of holding extra dances, going to a $7 dollar door charge and publicity efforts. Nancy noted that if we get 40 attendees per dance the current charge of $6 is sufficient.
* Connie said that due to Jeffery Day's schedule, we should not expect an article in the State Newspaper this fall. It was discussed that we should make a poster with a catchy heading like "Add a Little Balance & Swing to Your Life" and listing the dates of all the dances of the season, and then post it at high-visibility locations such as the Russell House on the USC campus.
* Possible "membership categories" were discussed. We decided that cute names for the categories were not needed. We also decided that the tax receipt form for COTMD should make a statement that any contribution is "tax deductible to the extent allowed by Law."
* Another long discussion was held on the possibility of a funding appeal. This included discussion of possible details of membership perks that might be associated with higher contributions. Debbie made a detailed proposal (see below), which was moved, seconded and accepted by vote. Nancy requested that the form used to record the proceeds from each dance be updated to make it easier to track member admissions, coupons, memberships, etc., and Dianne agreed to do it. Nancy offered to make a verbal plea for funding at the next dance, at the top of the last contra of the first half.
* It was informally agreed that a discussion of the current grant research situation will be deferred to a future time.
* A brief discussion was held on the new/revised website, and in particular, the security aspects of acess to our email list were discussed. It was also suggested that a description of contra dancing be added to the website.
* The meeting was adjourned.
Membership perks proposal:
$25: $2 discount to each dance + one get-in-free coupon
$50: $2 discount to each dance + two get-in-free coupons
$100: $2 discount to each dance + five get-in-free coupons
Monday, July 1, 2002
Minutes 7/1/2002
Present: Dianne Britton, Fred Druseikis, Connie Robinette, Nancy Stone-Collum, Debbie Samples, John Wetzel and Deborah Hayes.
The meeting began with review of prior meeting’s minutes, approved by a vote.
Copies of current financial statements were circulated, reflecting minor adjustments to the March/April figures (clerical errors). As of June 30, the treasury holds $286.25, of which $75.00 will be forwarded to CDSS for tax-exempt status fee. The treasurer’s report was approved by a vote.
Next season’s dance schedule was discussed, with a tentative commitment to Arsenal Hill as the venue. Apparently, six months’ advance payment may be required for reservations (as opposed to prior arrangement of two months’). Dianne believes this is flexible, and will double-check on it.
There was a discussion of soliciting more donations from our e-mail list, emphasizing the non-profit tax-deductible nature of COTMD. It was decided COTMD should have a form for tax purposes indicating amount of charitable donation and pertinent information; Deborah Hayes agreed to draft a form for review at next meeting. It was decided we will do a membership drive in earnest, starting in September.
A discussion was held regarding reservation of a domain name. The name “” was approved by a vote, and Fred agreed to acquire the reservation at a cost of $8.00 for the year. Hosting of the site will require further funds; it was suggested that CDSS may be able to host the site for us. Deborah Hayes agreed to check on this.
Contents of the corporate book were reviewed:
SS-4 Application for Employer Identification Number and copy of assignment letter
CDSS Annual Reply Form, including Income/Expense Statement and Balance Sheet
Letter from CDSS granting COTMD nonprofit status
Copy of application for CDSS Group Affiliation
Clarification of bylaws regarding membership and voting privileges
and the book was turned over to the secretary for keeping. A suggestion that minutes of meetings met with approval by the group, and Dianne agreed to produce copies of past minutes for that purpose.
There was a brief discussion of membership categories and potential “thank-you” gifts or awards. No conclusions were made at this time, but that levels be set at 25-50-100 dollar amounts. Debbie Samples will continue to work on this.
Discussion of a party was tabled for the time being.
Connie offered a report on the progress of the grant research committee. They met on July 1, with some absences; task assignments were made to individuals. It was suggested that grant applications perhaps be associated with a weekend dance effort, or the training of a caller. While no applications have been made at this time, great progress was made in other arenas. Jeffrey Day of The State has agreed to run a ‘blurb’ in the paper in October. Connie and Debbie met with folks at the State Museum regarding possible use of the Congaree Room, which the group agreed would be a favorable ‘marriage.’ We will await further information from their board.
There was a brief discussion of the need to enhance our dance community by acquiring a caller or two of our own. Suggestions of particular individuals were “tossed around.”
The meeting was adjourned. Next meeting date is September 9, 2002.
Monday, May 6, 2002
Minutes 5/6/2002
The following persons were present:
Dianne Britton
Connie Robinette
John Wetzel
Nancy Stone-Collum
Debbie Samples
Fred Druseikis
Glenn White
Karen Long
Deborah Hayes
* The meeting began with a review of the previous meeting.
* The minutes of the previous meeting were then approved by a vote.
* COTMD expenses were reviewed. The treasury has a total of $205.25 of available funds.
* A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded, and approved by vote. There was also a brief discussion concerning the "actual value" of the capital assets (some sound gear).
* The current status of the upcoming dance schedule was reviewed and discussed. As of this time, the venue through June is set (i.e. Arsenal Hill).
* Officer elections were then held. The entire slate of nominated persons was unopposed, so a motion was made to elect the entire slate with one vote. This motion was seconded and voted on affirmatively, after which the slate was duly elected.
The officers elected were as follows:
President: Dianne Britton
Vice President: Connie Robinette
Secretary: Deborah Hayes
Treasurer: Nancy Stone-Collum
Board members at large: Fred Druseikis, Debbie Samples, John Wetzel, Glenn White, Karen Long
* A previously publicized vote to correct a typographical error in the bylaws was held. The vote was in favor of making the suggested corrections.
* A discussion was held regarding the corporate book, and it was decided that this book should be compiled and given over to the keeping of the secretary.
* Connie initiated a discussion of past contributions-in-kind, and the necessity to identify these as a part of the grant seeking process. She also described some research she did on obtaining grants. She will organize the first meeting of the Grant Subcommittee, newly formed at this meeting and which consists of John, Debbie, Fred, Deborah, and Karen. The subcommittee was charged to, by the next meeting, a) produce a vision statement and b) initiate contact with three or four grant agencies/organizations or obtain something tangible from them.
* Debbie Samples, as membership chairperson, will work up some levels of membership categories, which she will communicate to us via email. The new levels will be advertised at the June dance. It is hoped that offering several membership levels will generate more revenue from membership purchases.
* A brief discussion was held as to the feasibility of having after-dance socializing at the hunter-gatherer. It was decided to do this for the next dance by making an announcement at the break and calling in food orders to the kitchen ahead of time, so as to avoid the problem of a closed kitchen.
* A brief discussion was held about the possibility of using our email list to generate help with our financial problems. Our dance group participants (at least those on the email list) will be informed that we are a tax-exempt organization, in the hopes that some donations might thus be received
* The possibility was raised of reinstating a practice from years past of selling food and drink at our dances.
* Dates for a summer/spring party were tossed around, with no conclusion being reached, except that it might be better not to schedule a party on a holiday weekend. A suggestion that we solicit donations at such a party met with approval.
The meeting was adjourned. The next scheduled meeting is July 1, 2002.
Monday, March 4, 2002
Minutes 3/4/2002
The following persons were present:
Dianne Britton
Connie Robinette
John Wetzel
Nancy Stone Collum
Debbie Samples
Fred Drusakis
Glenn White
Karen Long
* The meeting began with a review of the previous meeting.
* The minutes of the previous meeting were then approved by a vote.
* The current status of the upcoming dance schedule was reviewed and discussed. As of this time, the venue through MArch and April is set (ie. Arsenal Hill).
* A brief discussion was held regarding the phone numbers posted on our fliers.
* COTMD expenses were reviewed. The treasury has a total of $290.25 of available funds. This started a discussion on the possibility of finding or creating local callers to save money.
* A motion was made to accept the treasurur's report. The motion was seconded, and approved by vote.
* A discussion was held on the subject of "Who are the new members?" and the current status of the membership list.
* A discussion was held regarding a typographical error in the bylaws, and the necessity to correct that, possibly at the annual meeting, which happens to be the next meeting.
* A nominating committee was created, consisting of Fred Drusakis and Debbie Samples, to which more members can be added if needed.
* A discussion was held regarding the importance of creating socialization opportunities for the dance community. The Hunter-Gatherer was identified as a possibly ideal spot for after-dance social gathering.
* Connie is continuing to look in to the possibility of going after grant funding.
* The meeting was adjourned.
Sunday, March 3, 2002
Minutes 3/3/2003
Minutes of March 3, 2003 Meeting
Present: Dianne Britton, Fred Druseikis, Nancy Stone-Collum, Glenn White, Deborah Hayes.
The meeting began with review of prior meeting’s minutes, approved by a vote.
Financial statements were reviewed and circulated (and reflect a surplus!) The treasurer’s report was approved by a vote. Amendment as of September 8, 2003, adds, "$326.25 balance as of March 3".
A current dance schedule was noted in the agenda for review.
Tim Sneed has agreed to organize after-dance activities. Dianne suggested that someone be invited to organize snacks for the dances.
There was a brief dicussion of Frost Wilkinson, the documentary filmmaker, shooting at a dance. It was agreed that dancers would be notified ahead of time when he would be doing this.
CDSS Summer Camp was discussed. Scholarships are offered for dancers with matching funds (the deadline is 3/17). It was mentioned that perhaps Leslie would like to attend for calling workshops.
Upcoming elections were discussed, and will be announced at the next dance (March 8). The nominating committee will present nominations at the April 12 dance; elections will be held at the May 10 dance. The nominating committee will be Fred, Dianne and Deborah Hayes. Deborah agreed to prepare ballots once nominees are decided.
A summer event for dancers was discussed and scheduled tentatively for July 12, 2003. Dianne told the group about a documentary video that’s been lent to our group by Great Meadow Music, and suggested this get-together would be a good venue in which to view it. She informed us that copies are available for $10 from, and that after we view our complimentary copy, we are asked to donate it to a local library.
The meeting was adjourned. Next meeting date is May 8, 2003.