Thursday, August 20, 2015

Minutes, August 18, 2015


The minutes of the previous meeting (June 30, 2015) were modified using updated financial information, and then approved.

The treasurer's report was presented by Virginia, and we have a total of $1891 in funds available as of the end of July.  There were no new reimbursements.

Victor presented a brief report on our two over-summer dances, which went quite well.

The regular mailing list and the Board mailing list were discussed, and we also decided to combine these two items into one on future meeting agendas.

We discussed publishing our booking policies on our website, and decided to do so, as recently edited by Marguerite.

We decided that our Safety & Comfort policies, which have already been posted at dances, can be posted on our website.

We decided to keep our new caller stand/ladder, even though it is not always needed.

We discussed the need to review (and if needed Write or rewrite) our mission statement, and also to develop a vision for the nearer term.

The "Newsletter" concept was discussed at length.  We decided that in future, that we will forgo newsletter creation and dissemination, and replace this with:
1.  email "notifications" (two per dance), one at 2 weeks and the other at a few days out from each dance, with all essential info in subject line, to minimize the spamming effect.  This to be handled by Dianne.
2.  Fliers, to be created (most likely) twice per season, then posted on our website (and other vehicles) for distribution, but not emailed out (unless requested).  This to be handled by Virginia.
3.  Event photos and videos, to be created on an ad hoc basis, and disseminated via postings to our website and facebook, to be handled by various people as available.

We discussed where our calendar should live, and decided to maintain our calendar on both Google and Facebook.

We discussed what happens when somebody tries to contact us, and decided there is no pressing reason to publicly list our board member names/positions.  We can revisit this decision as needed.

We discussed having a local "combo band" centered on (constructed around) Fred, Dianne and John for the December dance, and that we will almost certainly be forced to hire an out of town band for the June dance.

We discussed having dances next summer, and trying out a live band on one of those dates.  We also agreed that we would need to make a firm decision about that before the end of 2015.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 22, 2015

Meeting adjourned

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