Monday, July 18, 2016

MINUTES, July 12,2016

Minutes, July 12,2016
Members present:
Amy Lacoste
Aaron Davis
Connie Robinette
Virginia Winn
Victor Gascon
John Wetzel
Fred Druseikis
Dianne Britton
Marguerite Frongillo
Natalie Weston
The meeting began by approving the minutes of the previous meeting.
The treasurers report was given.  It was also heavily discussed, as we lost about $900 in the last season.  This included discussions of various numbers such as "average cost per dancer", and more particularly, how to stop the loss of dollars to our organization.
We decided that at each dance, we will try to obtain a rough count of new and experienced dancers.  This will be done by a caller or other available person at mid dance, using a show of hands, and is not to be added to the workload of those working the door.
It was formally decided that we will terminate the use of "get in free" coupons. 
It was formally decided that we will terminate the selling of prepaid tickets.
There was some discussion of using meetup groups as a way to bring in more dancers.
It was formally decided to take no other actions (such as raising prices) for six months, while we see how things are going. 
This allowed us to finish with the treasurers report.
The agenda items New Reimbursements, Reports from last dance, and Mailing lists were dealt with very quickly (nothing much to discuss).
Fred brought up that there was interest in electronic/computer payments for people who do not carry cash.  This was discussed.  Victor agreed to look into the technical aspects of this.  There seemed to be general agreement that we could probably pull this off, providing that users of this method of payment would probably have to pay a one dollar surcharge to cover costs of the transaction.  BUT it would take time (and create problems for the door workers because of that).
We had a brief discussion about the continued search for potential board members.  No one had any people to suggest.
The latest draft of the mission statement was read twice, discussed briefly, and formally accepted by vote with no changes.  Our now official mission statement is as follows:
"Our mission is to encourage the growth and development of traditional music and dance in the South Carolina Midlands.  We do this by hosting contradances and live music events; by building community through teaching and demonstration of traditional dance forms; and by promoting events in the Columbia area."
We briefly discussed out summer schedule.
We were going to table all remaining agenda items for the future, but first we had a brief discussion of Aaron's proposed video.  We then tabled the rest of the agenda to be handled at future meetings.

The tabled (deferred) agenda items are:
  Aaron, contra dance video
  Links to dance videos on website (Tims idea)
  Posting our dances on dance related facebook sites (Poonam)
  Using meetup groups (although we discussed those today somewhat)
  Midlands Gives (Join as a promotional opportunity, Connie)
  Sell old speakers?
  Liability Insurance
  Website update (mostly other events)
The next meeting will be held on September13, 2016
People started yawning and the meeting was adjourned.

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