Saturday, September 24, 2016

Minutes. September 13, 2016

Minutes. September 13, 2016
Members present:
Aaron Davis
Virginia Winn
Victor Gascon
John Wetzel
Fred Druseikis
Dianne Britton
Marguerite Frongillo
Natalie Weston
Jonathan Janzen (via telephone)

The meeting began by approving the minutes of the previous meeting.
The Treasurer's report was provided, and accepted by voice vote.
The reports from our last dance were discussed, primarily our financial loss at the dance, which was approximately $278. This also brought up the fact that we need more "Jacob"s to help with our attendance issues. 
The mailing list was discussed, and we decided to have Aaron take over the mailing list, and move it over to mailchimp, and act as the publisher of content to be distrubuted thereby.  Said content to be supplied by any of us who are up for supplying it.
Marguerite provided a brief report on the status of bookings.
We discussed recruiting students and other community members as dancers and board members. 
Victor talked about his experience with attempting to network and gain publicity using MEETUPS as a tool.  In spite of having no luck, he is going to give it another try until the next meeting.
Victor and Aaron will be meeting to discuss details about/for our marketing efforts.
Victor has an action item, which is to add contra dance links to our website/blog space.
Poonam and Connie continue to post in facebook and other social networking spaces.
The group agreed to allow John Wetzel to attempt to sell our older speakers.  Jonathan Janzen expressed an interest in possibly purchasing these.
The board discussed again the issue of liability insurance. 
John has an action item, which is to check with Emerald Ballroom and try to find out whether we are covered under their insurance
(if any).
Victor indicated that he continues to work on updating the website/blog for our group.
Jonathan suggested that we might do buttons, both NAME buttons but also MESSAGE buttons (messages like "I dance both roles").  Virginia responded with our history with name buttons and tags, and indicated that this is something she has done plenty of, and someone else would have to take on this issue.  This issue will be discussed again at future meetings.
The board decided that, because of the election, the next meeting will be held on November 15, 2016, a week later than it would normally take place.
The meeting was adjourned.

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