ContraCola Board
Meeting Minutes, May 19, 2015 - approved June 30, 2015
Meeting came to order: 7:40pm
Present: Marguerite, John, Fred, Dianne, Sandra, Tim P., Virginia, Connie, Victor (by phone).
Absent: Kenny
Minutes read and approved.
$1616.92 end of April
$105 loss/dance avg.
Donations received at Emerald Ballroom dance in April.
At current rate of loss, estimate 12-15 dances left.
May dance had a profit of $53.
Virginia presented a table of season costs for bands, sound, callers which showed moderate increase in cost relative to use of out-of-town bands.
Agenda item for next meeting: variety of bands, rate, policy, student rate, etc.
There were no reimbursements requested.
COTMD Board list - no change. It was noted that this agenda item needs occur annually, in the first meeting following the election of officers and board members.
ContraCola dancer email list: Outstanding updates to the list are to be sent to Dianne. Dianne is to send email reminder each month to the contracola dancers list. Victor will research a self-service email list, which will become a future agenda item.
The board voted that the Vice President would be the booker generally.
Connie agreed to be re-added to the slate.
Motion unanimously passed to elect entire slate of officers and members-at-large as amended, to whit:
President: Victor
VP: Marguerite
Treasurer: Virginia
Secretary: John
Members at large: Fred, Sandra, Dianne, Tim P., Kenny, Connie
The booking policy was amended, in agreement with Marguerite.
July and August: It was briefly discussed why we abandoned holding dances in July and August, citing historical poor attendance of dancers and unavailability of key board members during those months. Victor offered to call dances in July and August of this year for free, using recorded music, if there is enough interest from the dancers. The dances would also function as a callers' workshop with an "open mike" for would-be callers. Donations would be accepted but not mandatory. The dances would be on 3rd Saturday of July and August, with reservations available through EventBrite. To determine a likely attendance number, Victor will put together a survey, pass it through the board for comment, and email it out subsequently.
Virginia read suggestions/feedback on the Demo Dance at Red Bank Elementary
The draft of the document concerning our "slowly developing 'emergency'" needs to be revised for a more positive tone. Everyone agreed to the "So, What to Do" section, which promotes community. Sandra and Virginia are to rework this document, written by John, with the intent of disseminating it to the dancers via as many means as possible - email, FaceBook, Twitter, website, etc.
Agenda item concerning our disruptive dancers policy skipped.
Health risks of dancing: Discussed signatures and a warning sign. Sandra came up with a wording that we all liked: "Contra dancing is a strenuous activity! Please be mindful of your own health and respect your dance partners by dancing safely."
Adjourned: 9:18pm
Next meeting: 6/23
-- Dianne