Monday, November 5, 2001

Minutes 11/5/2001

MINUTES: The COTMD meeting for November 5, 2001

The following persons were present:
Dianne Britton
Connie Robinette
John Wetzel
Nancy Stone Collum
Debbie Samples
Jonathan Giesler

* The meeting began with a review of the previous meeting.

* The minutes of the previous meeting were then approved by a vote.

* COTMD expenses were reviewed.
The treasury has a total of $468.25 of available funds.

* A motion was made to accept the treasurur's report. The motion
was seconded, and approved by vote.

* The current status of the upcoming dance schedule was reviewed and
discussed. As of this time, the venue for November, December and
January through June is set (ie. Arsenal Hill).

* A discussion was held as to the feasibility of having Karen Delgado
& Out of the woods play for us. This included a sidebar discussion
about coordinating with the charleston dance group through Beth Rice.
Contact info was provided via the agenda.

* A brief discussion was held on the subject of the water cooler and manning
the dance table. Nancy will continue to arrive early to man the table for
at least the immediate future. Jonathan Giesler has an extra water cooler
which he has offered to transfer ownership of to COTMD. He will bring along
this cooler the next time he attends a dance.

* Dianne requested that someone relieve her of the "membership chair"
portion of
the tasks she has been handling. Debbie agreed to take on this
Debbie asked Dianne to provide copies of the blank yellow membership
cards, to
facilitate this task.

* Dianne reported that Nancy is interested in carpooling to Charlotte for the
Charlotte dance that immediatly follows thanksgiving. The elftones are the
featured band for this event. Please contact Nancy Stone-Collum if

* A brief discussion about the need to pursue funding and grants was held. Connie offered to get more info about some grant possibilities she is aware of.

* Dianne announced that the next meeting of the board is scheduled for Jan
7, 2002

* The meeting was adjourned.

Monday, September 10, 2001

9/10/2001 -- Proposed clarification of by-laws regarding membership and voting privileges. (Accepted by vote at the board meeting held on 9/10/2001.)

1) A COTMD board member is a member of COTMD during their term of office. The by-laws define term of office as one year, July 1-June 30. A board member’s service satisfies the by-laws’ requirement for “dues”. Board members are elected (see last item below).

2) A person paying a membership fee (currently $25) is a member of COTMD for one year following payment of the fee. This fee satisfies the by-laws’ requirement for “dues”. Persons paying a membership fee may have their admission price reduced to dances. Anyone paying a membership fee or donating any amount money to COTMD may claim a tax deduction, as COTMD is a not-for-profit organization.

3) Only members of COTMD may vote at the membership meetings, including the annual membership meeting at which officers are elected. Normally this is the only membership meeting held each year.

4) Only COTMD board members may vote at board meetings. We usually hold board meetings on the first Monday of odd-numbered months, with two exceptions.
  • a) The May board meeting is normally replaced by a membership meeting at which the COTMD board members are elected. If necessary, this meeting may be preceded or followed by a board meeting at which the outgoing board may conduct any remaining business for the year.

    b) There is no meeting in July.
5) A person need not be a member of COTMD to be elected to the COTMD board. The by-laws say that the board positions are president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and zero to five board-members-at-large.

Minutes 9/10/2001

MINUTES: The COTMD meeting for September (September 10, 2001)

The following persons were present:
Dianne Britton
Connie Robinette
John Wetzel
Nancy Stone Collum
Glenn White
Ann Cargill
Teri Siskind
Karen Long
Debbie Samples
Jonathan Giesler

* The meeting began with a review of the previous meeting.

* The minutes of the previous meeting were then approved by a vote.

* COTMD expenses were reviewed. The treasury has a total of $499.25 of available funds.

* A brief discussion was held, the subject of which was the transfer of signature authority. During this discussion it was also decided that the group would rent the Arsenal Hill hall in advance (for the next two months).

* A motion was made to accept the treasurur's report. The motion
was seconded, and approved by vote.

* The current status of the upcoming dance schedule was reviewed and discussed. As of this time, the venue for October and November is set (ie. Arsenal Hill).

* A document, titled "Proposed clarification of the by-laws regarding membership and voting privileges" was presented by Dianne Britton, and was approved by vote without any changes.

* Because of the demise of the "home" for the previous COTMD website, the new website is (at least temporarily) at and is hosted by Fred and Dianne.

* A discussion was held regarding the need for new members, and the possibility of a COTMD "membership Czar" was also discussed, but with no outcome.

* The issue of "membership Czar" led to a discussion for the need of a "Water Jar czar". Glenn volunteered.

* The need for a specific person to set up the table for each dance was discussed. The decision was made that this would be done by the treasurer, with help from any free hands among the officers or members present at the early stages of a given dance.

* The meeting was adjourned.

Monday, May 7, 2001

Minutes 5/7/2001

MINUTES: The COTMD meeting for May (May 7, 2001)

The following persons were present:
Dianne Britton
Connie Robinette
Jodie Gochenauer
John Wetzel
Nancy Stone Collum
Glenn White
Ann Cargill
Marilynn Knight
Teri Siskind

* The meeting began with a review of the previous meeting.

* The minutes of the previous meeting were then approved by a vote.

* COTMD expenses were reviewed. The treasury has a total of $428.35 worth of available funds, after current debts totaling $150.00 have been paid out.

* A motion was made to accept the treasurur's report. The motion was seconded, and approved by vote.

* The current status of the upcoming dance schedule was reviewed and discussed. As of this time, the venue for May and June has been finalized. The venue is Arsenal hill, and funds for this future usage have already been paid out, so as to reserve the facility.

* The vote for officers and board members was conducted. Voting results are:
President: Dianne Britton
Vice President: Connie Robinette
Secretary: John Wetzel
Treasurer: Nancy Stone-Collum
Board-members-at-large: Karen Long, Debbie Samples, Teri Siskind, and Glenn White

It was noted that the above will take office on July 1, 2001

* A brief discussion was held on the subject of problems relating to contracts, whether with bands, callers, or venue organizations.

* A discussion was held about the possibility of making minor change to the bylaws, particularly with regard to definition of the duties of the person elected to the position of vice-president.

* Additional discussion (a continuation of a discussion initiated at the previous meeting) was held concerning the nature of the term "dues", with particular attention to the possibility of allowing the substitution of some defined amount of service (to COTMD and its events) for payment of dues in the form of money. It was argued that actually defining the term "dues" has the effect of limiting the options and flexibility currently available to the organization. The discussion did not result in any formal motions or decisions, but the informal consensus seemed to be that the status quo was to be left unchanged for at least the immediate future.

* It was briefly noted that the dance schedule will be closed over the summer (as previously planned) and that a summer get together or festivity of some sort might be organized. Dianne Britton agreed to become the organizer of this possible event, and will begin by determining the probable best date and venue for such an event.

* Meeting atendees were reminded that the next meeting will be on September 10 of 2001, at the same time and place as the current meeting (Cafe Strudel).

* The meeting was adjourned.

Saturday, March 3, 2001

Minutes 3/3/2001

MINUTES: The COTMD meeting for March (March 3, 2001)

The following persons were present:
Dianne Britton
Connie Robinette
Jodie Gochenauer
John Wetzel
Debbie Samples

* The meeting began with a review of the previous meeting.

* The minutes of the previous meeting were then approved by a vote.

* COTMD expenses, as printed on a spreadsheet report, were reviewed. This month showed a net gain of $5 in available funds. This spreadsheet comprised the treasurer's report.

* A motion was made to accept the treasurur's report. The motion was seconded, and approved by vote.

* The current status of the upcoming dance schedule was reviewed and discussed. As of this time, the venue for May and June is not set. The decision was made to wait for additional information, notably, at least one experience at the Lutheran Church Hall, before making any decisions.

* Dianne notified the group that she would not be present at the April dance, and noted that at least one of us needed to be at the site at 6:00 PM.

* The decision was made that the secretary of this organization would send a card to the Trenholm Road church, thanking them for their continued support vis-a-vis the use of their facilities without financial renumeration.

* Dianne briefly and informally outlined some "perks" available from CDSS, for example, priority for group leaders at CDSS affiliated or sponsored dance camps, such as Pinewoods.

* A brief discussion was held to create a nominating committee. This comittee is concerned with nominating candidates for future elections, these elections being for officers and for five members-at-large. The decision was made that this committee would be comprised of Dianne, Connie, Debbie and Jody, and would meet via email.

* It was imformally decided, after discussion, that email adresses would be requested of dancers (potential COTMD members) at each dance.

* A brief discussion of the nature of our "electorate" and "membership" was held, the problem being that many dancers come only once or infrequently, and very few are interested in participating politically, or helping the organization to exist and prosper.

* A brief discussion was held concerning the nature of the term "dues", with particular attention to the possibility of allowing the substitution of some defined amount of service (to COTMD and it's events) for payment of dues in the form of money. The secretary (John) offered to create a written definition of the term "dues" that would define the term as being either a given sum of money, or a given amount of service, with the idea that this definition could then be voted on formally at some future meeting.

* A discussion was held concerning how and where to notify people of elections. It was decided that election notices would be distributed via email and by public announcement at dances. It was also decided that the next election would be held at the May meeting of this board.

* The meeting was adjourned.

Monday, January 8, 2001

Minutes 1/8/2001

Minutes of the 1/8/01 meeting ( approved March 3, 2001):

The COTMD meeting for January began with a review of the previous meeting.

* The minutes of the previous meeting were then approved by a vote.

* COTMD expenses, as printed on a spreadsheet report, were reviewed. The layout of the spreadsheet, and it's terminology was explained. This spreadsheet comprised the treasurer's report.

* A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded, and approved by vote.

* The current status of the upcoming dance schedule was reviewed and discussed. Included was discussion of the continuing problem of "venue hopping". It was suggested that someone look into the availability/suitability of the American Legion Hall. Thanks to Debbie Sample, we may be able to use Ebenezer Lutheran Church for the May dance.

* A suggestion was made, to wit: Add mention of the need for all dancers to bring and wear soft soled shoes, such mention to be included in all print and internet ads and notices.

* Discussion of other possible changes to COTMD website, including whether to list therein the fact that children are to be admitted to dances free, up to the age of thirteen. It was agreed that we would give that information out when asked, but would not advertise it in any print media since we don't have facilities to handle lots of children.

* COTMD bylaw revisions, as suggested by the Country song and dance society, were discussed, and approved by vote.

* A discussion concerning the possibility of allowing one or more persons to be granted membership on the basis of services rendered (in lieu of payments which would otherwise be required) occurred. Meeting participants decided to think this issue over until the next meeting, at which point the issue might be formally addressed.

* A discussion concerning the possibility of having a dance in June. It was informally decided that a dance would be held, subject to the acquisition of access to a suitable (air conditioned) venue.

* A motion was made to change the standard meeting times to the first Monday of ODD months (had been EVEN months). The motion was approved by vote.

* A motion was made to keep the Cafe Strudel as the designated meeting place for the immediate future. The motion was approved.

* The meeting was adjourned.

The following persons attended the subject meeting:

Dianne Britton
Ann Cargill
Glenn White
Jodie Gochnauer
John Wetzel
Teri Siskind
Nancy Stone-Collum
Debbie Samples